- Builds on the foundation techniques of CK™ 1 applying them to relationships issues
- Gives skills to work with couples, both individually and together, and with singles
- Provides in-depth training for helping couples resolve their relationship difficulties and for singles to find lasting and satisfying relationships
This course will give you a clear understanding of:
- Why we are attracted to specific types of partners
- The reasons relationships fail & what can be done to change this
- Conflicting and complementary elements of the couple’s ‘Relationships Matrix™’
- How what brings us together can break us apart
- The eight basic human needs in intimate relationships
- Hidden agendas brought into a couples’ relationships
- Compatibility and communication issues
- Attachment injury and anxious and avoidant attachment
- Sex, sexuality and intimacy issues
- Domestic violence profiles
- The ‘tipping point’ in relationships
- Recovering from infidelity, a separation or a death of a partner
- Positive flourishing relationships
- The dance of intimacy in dating
In this workshop you will learn how to :
- Apply the three tiered (typically 3 stage) CK™ approach to relationship issues and modify it for couples sessions
Stage 1 – Talk Therapy Relationship Counselling Skills
- Use circular questioning and other communication skills for working with couples
- Manage conflict in couples’ sessions
- Facilitate couples in learning constructive communications skills, validation and supportive responding
- Identify triggers in relationships and the emotional reactions resulting
- Explore couples individual and collective histories and identify how past relationships and family of origin influences have molded their current issues
- Identify couples’ attachment injuries that have caused gridlock in their relationships
Stage 2 – Couple & Individual Kinesiology Based ‘Resolving Emotional Stress Circuits’
- Use the ‘Yin Yang Strengths Chart™’ to identify complementary & conflicting strengths in relationships
- Use muscle testing based regression to identify childhood and past relationship wounds intruding into the current relationship, and how to de-stress and resolve them
- Aid partners to gain empathy by seeing each other’s wounded Child Self
- Work through guilt and blame
Stage 3 – Behaviour Change Relationship Exercises
- Draw up the couple’s ‘Relationships Matrix™’ of compensating strengths and deficiencies, and their conflicting excesses
- Help couples decode and resolve their ‘Relationships Matrix™’
- Utilise a wide range of relationship exercises to build relationship skills
- Employ relationship enhancing exercises adapted from Positive Psychology and Attachment theory
Apply CK™ to Relationship Issues in Practice
- Work with couples, both individually and together, and with singles
- Work with specific issues of LBGT relationships
- Apply the techniques to specific issues of infidelity, recovery from separation/divorce, and death of a partner
- Address the common conflict issues of money, sex, housework, in-laws, work stress, work versus family, parenting styles and step-parenting issues
- Address individual issues affecting the relationship (e.g. jealousy, insecurity, anxiety, depression, mental health issues, personality disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography, gambling addiction)
- Help couples separate from unworkable relationships without taking lots of baggage with them
- Help singles overcome past relationship hurts and find satisfying and lasting new relationships
Support Yourself as a CK™ Practitioner
- Deal with your own relationship issues that can intrude into working effectively with couples
- Engage appropriate supervision and debriefing
- Promote yourself as a professional Counselling Kinesiology™ practitioner specialising in relationships issues
Presentation structure:
- Relationship questionnaires
- Relationship Exercises
- Working with relationships
– Techniques & issues
– Background and explanation
– Demonstration – singles and couples
– Q & A
– Supervised practice – role plays & de-stressing
– Revision
- De-stressing own relationship issues – supervised practice
- Couples balances demonstration
Materials included:
- 3 comprehensive workbooks preceding the hands-on intensive covering background theory and structure of CK™ Relationships Training
- CK™ 2 ‘In Practice’ workshop manual to accompany the 3 days hands-on intensive
- 3 further workbooks covering the material covered in the hands-on intensive plus the applications of CK™
- Worksheets to help absorb and retain the information
- Yin Yang Strengths Chart™ to identify complementary & conflicting strengths in relationships
- Relationships Matrix™ chart & questionnaire
- Role Play outlines of couples’ issues
- Couple relationship history and session note forms
- Sample relationship issues case studies and case study proformas
- 4 webinars (Avoidant/Anxious Attachment, Relationship Matrix™, Yin Yang Strengths Chart™, Couple’s Sessions Case Study)
CK™ 1 workshop and completed workbooks & worksheets (CK™ 1 competency assessments not required to be completed)
Gordon and Debra Dickson
Competency Assessments:
- Practical assessment during the hands-on intensive
- Satisfactory completion of all worksheets
- 2 detailed case studies on relationship issues covering all 3 stages of CK™ (at least one with a couple)
- Written multiple-choice theory (posted out with time limit to return – open book)
- Verified attendance at the 4 webinars
- Oral (by phone or video conference) to prepare for promoting and marketing yourself as a CK™ Relationships Practitioner
40 hrs of accredited training as Category B “Further Kinesiology Studies” or “Communication Studies” with Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA).
CK™ 2 contributes to the hours required to become a registered kinesiology practitioner.
Sunshine Coast – Integrated Health Kinesiology, 13 Parkana Crescent Buddina, QLD.
Melbourne – venue to be advised and subject to numbers
Dates & Times:
Distance Education components – To be scheduled
Hands-on intensive (3 days 9 am – 6.30 pm) – To be scheduled
(January 2018)
Complete training package (Distance Education components, 3 day hands-on intensive, 4 webinars including all materials and competency assessments) –
Pay As You Go $265/calendar month x 4 1/2 – total $1193
– Hands-on Workshop Repeat: $405
Application Form:
Download an application form now –
Counselling Kinesiology™ Training –
Build exceptional skills for working with emotional & relationship difficulties to –
CK™ 1 Training has just started
with the distance education workbooks.
BUT – a late start is fine!
You can get your CK™ 1 kinesiology prerequisites while already starting CK™ 1!
Classes limited to 15 places only.
Download an application form now!
Intro to CK™ Training Starts –
Sat. 3rd March ’18
Sunshine Coast
Classes limited to 15 places only!
Get your Kinesiology prerequisites while studying CK™ 1
Download an application form now:
© 2023 Gordon Dickson, Counselling Kinesiology™