Kinesiology Prerequisites for CK™ 1

Pathways for Obtaining the CK™ 1 Prerequisites

Two recommended pathways for getting the kinesiology prerequisites for CK™ 1, are –

Path 1:

‘Touch for Health 1’ (taught by your local practitioner), then

‘Introduction to Counselling Kinesiology™’ (a bridging course taught by us only on the Sunshine coast) or

Path 2:

‘Touch for Health 1’, and ‘Kinergetics 1’ (both taught by your local practitioners)

In CK™, we use a single indicator muscle that you need to feel quite proficient in testing. We use indicator muscle testing to –

  • identify the stressful issue
  • find out stressful emotions
  • find whom the emotions are related to
  • test flower essences
  • test ego defence behaviours
  • test the ‘reference’ age (the age related issues underlying the presenting problem)
  • collect all of this information together to work on (using ‘Pause Lock’ and ‘stacking’)
  • test to find that the de-stressing of all of this material has been effective
Path 1: ‘Touch for Health 1’, then ‘Introduction to Counselling Kinesiology™’

You do not need to know all of the 14 muscle tests and their corrections in precise detail for Counselling Kinesiology™. I recommend doing ‘Touch for Health 1’ (where you learn these) as it give good experience in familiarity with muscle testing and skills to work with other areas of kinesiology (nutrition, energy meridian balancing and structural issues). For Counselling Kinesiology™, we only use a single indicator muscle but you need to be able to use this well, and correct it if it is not working properly.

I have found that it can be confusing for people starting with different types of kinesiology courses which is why we do the bridging course ‘Introduction to Counselling Kinesiology™’, to make sure that everyone has covered the basics in detail and really knows the techniques we need. However, you need lots of practice so that is why it is good to be tied in with a local practitioner and the practice classes that he or she holds. Unfortunately, at this stage ‘Introduction to Counselling Kinesiology™’ is only available on the Sunshine Coast. However, depending on the number of people requesting it, we can also offer a webinar going over this material.

Path 2: ‘Touch for Health 1’ & ‘Kinergetics 1’

Touch for Health 1 & Kinergetics 1 will also cover the prerequisites for CK™ 1. You would also need to do a lot of muscle testing practice to feel confident with the muscle testing called indicator muscle testing (repeated testing with one muscle). Usually the local teachers of Touch for Health 1 & Kinergetics 1 would have practice classes, so that can help a lot.

You do not need all of the kinesiology techniques taught in Touch for Health 1 & Kinergetics 1 in precise detail for Counselling Kinesiology™ 1. (They give you a great grounding in kinesiology, however, and additional techniques for non-emotional problems). For example, you do not need to know all of the 14 muscle tests and their corrections in Touch for Health 1 – just one is required (the so-called indicator muscle). In Kinergetics, you learn to do a hands-on energy correction, which is also not needed apart from making sure that your indicator muscle works well. The ‘pause lock’ and ‘stacking’ (i.e. collecting information to work on), is what is required from Kinergetics 1.

You do not need the kinesiology prerequisites before we start the hands-on workshop, so that gives you additional time to get them. The distance education workbooks are on the counselling aspects of CK™ 1, so the kinesiology (muscle testing) material is not required for this.

Muscle Testing in a Typical CK™ 1 Session

There is not a lot of muscle testing in Counselling Kinesiology™ – mainly the basic techniques taught in most basic kinesiology courses. In a one hour Counselling KinesiologyTM session, you will spend typically 15-20 minutes talking to the person about the nature of the emotional issue. It will then take about 5 minutes to get a balanced indicator muscle, check the pretests and make sure that Circuit Store is working (see 1.1-6.3 below). Then a further 5 minutes of testing, using the indicator muscle, to get information about the emotional stress lying behind the problems you have been talking about (see 7.3-7.7 below). The rest of the session (35 minutes) is devoted to de-stressing, resolving the emotional stress and working out an action plan (see 8.1 for de-stressing techniques).

CK™ 1 Prerequisites Can be Obtained from any Accredited Kinesiology Courses

You do not have to do Touch for Health 1 and Introduction to Counselling Kinesiology™ to get the prerequisites for Counselling Kinesiology™ 1. They can also be obtained from other basic kinesiology courses, combinations of them, or through private instruction with kinesiology practitioners. We have listed the prerequisites required for Counselling Kinesiology™ 1 (see 1.1-below).

Please note: Since the contents of many of the basic kinesiology courses change over time, we are unable to tell you which courses cover which competencies.

Check the CK™ 1 prerequisites competency checklist against the kinesiology studies you have already done or contact your local kinesiology instructor or practitioner (take a copy of the list and details below) to ensure that you have covered the minimum kinesiology prerequisites. It is assumed that you will be competent in these prerequisites before CK™ 1 and very little time will be devoted to going over them.

To repeat, if you do not have all of the competencies, arrangements can be made with local instructors/practitioners to go over the few that you may be missing. Please contact us for a list of local Kinesiology instructors/practitioners.

Summary of CK™ 1 Prerequisites

  • Obtaining a Balanced Indicator Muscle for Muscle Testing
  • Pre-test (pre-check) tests & corrections – Switching, Dehydration, Central & Governing Meridian, Ionisation
    Surrogate Testing
  • Circuit Store and Stacking (also known as “Pause Lock”, “Circuit Retaining Mode”)
  • Using Finger Modes or Verbal Challenges
  • Testing lists of emotions for stress
  • Testing flower essences
  • Past Time Tracking (also called “Age Recession”)
  • Emotional De-stressing (ESR, ESD techniques)

(see below for CK™ 1 prerequisites in detail)

CK™ 1 Prerequisites in Detail

While this list of prerequisites may seem a little overwhelming at first sight, many of you will recognise techniques that you have already covered as you read through the descriptions.


1. Obtaining a Balanced Indicator Muscle for Muscle Response Testing
Obtaining a balanced “accurate” Indicator Muscle by making sure it will lock in the clear and can be unlocked.

1.1 Muscle Response Testing – Testing the muscle response of at least two separate muscles on different meridians e.g. the anterior deltoid indicator muscle test and the biceps brachii/brachioradialis indicator muscle test (also known as “goose neck” or “skippy”)

1.2 Correcting Weak Responding Muscles – for the muscles in 1.1 using one or more of the following correction techniques (if you have alternative effective techniques for correcting weak responding muscles, such as PACE, this is acceptable too) –

  • Rubbing the neurolymphatic reflex points
  • Holding the neurovascular correction points on the head
  • Meridian tracing – flushing up and down and then up the related meridian (gall bladder meridian for anterior deltoid and stomach meridian for biceps brachii/brachioradialis)
  • Spinal reflexes – rubbing up and down on the related spinal segment e.g. T4-5 for anterior deltoid and T5-6 for biceps brachii/brachioradialis
  • Emotional Neurovasculars – holding the frontal eminences of the forehead
  • Alternative effective muscle strengthening technique you use

1.3 Challenging – to find the appropriate corrections for weak muscle responses and re-challenging to find if further deeper corrections are required i.e. making sure your correction has been effective. (If you have alternative effective techniques for challenging muscles, these are acceptable too).

Testing to find the appropriate correction: The muscle will lock when touching the appropriate correction point (called circuit locating or CLing).

Re-challenging to find if further deeper corrections are required: After the correction has been performed and the muscle now tests strong or locking, if touching the correction point just used causes the muscle to weaken, another correction is required.

Alternative effective technique: that you use for challenging muscles

1.4 Unlocking the Muscle – using spindle cell manipulation i.e. the muscle can be turned off too. (If you have alternative effective techniques for turning muscles off such, as “think of something negative”, these are acceptable too).

Unlocks with spindle cell manipulation: This is a turning the muscle off temporarily by a short sharp pinch to the spindle cells of the muscle you are testing. The spindle cells are in the centre of the muscle and the pinching is lengthways, not across the muscle. The muscle should turn off, and if it does not, you will need to correct this muscle imbalance (see 1.5)Alternative effective technique: That you use for turning off muscles (please describe)

1.5 Correcting Muscles That Will Not Unlock – if the muscle will not unlock using the techniques in 1.4 it is described as “over-facilitated, “jammed on” or “hyper-tonic”. Many techniques are taught to correct this with emotional de-stressing being a common one.
Effective techniques: that you use for correcting muscles that will not turn off (please describe)

2. Pre-test (pre-check) tests and corrections using a balanced indicator muscle

2.1 Testing Switching Status
Test: Hold the following points and the navel to test. The indicator muscle should test strong (locking).
Correct: Rub problem points while holding navel
Collar bones for left-right switching (= K27 acupuncture points)
Top and bottom lips for up-down switching (= GV26 & CV24 acupuncture points)
Tail bone for back-front switching (= GV1acupuncture point)

2.2 Testing Dehydration Status
Test: Pulling hair then testing. The indicator muscle should test strong (locking).
Correct: Drinking water.

2.3 Testing Central Meridian and Governing Meridian
Test: For Central meridian running up from pubic bone to bottom lip (the indicator muscle should test strong i.e. locking). and back down (the indicator muscle should test weak i.e. unlocking) . For Governing meridian, running from tail bone up spine and over head to top lip (the indicator muscle should test strong i.e. locking) and back down again (the indicator muscle should test weak i.e. unlocking).
Correct: Flushing up and down several times ending up with several times running upwards only.

3. Additional Techniques

3.1 Emotional De-stressing – Using Indicator Muscle testing for identifying emotional stress e.g. testing to identify stressful goals, and then de-stressing using the Emotional Neurovasculars (see 1.2)

3.2 Surrogate Testing – Obtaining information about one person, the “target” by testing another person called the “surrogate”. The “surrogate” person is tested while maintaining contact with the person who cannot be tested directly for reasons of pain, age or debility. If the “surrogate” has already been balanced, the results of this testing give a read-out of what is going on for the “target” person. Self-testing is an example where kinesiology practitioners can use themselves as the surrogates, testing themselves to obtain information about the “target” people they are working with.


4. The Extension Test
The extension test is actually testing the antagonist muscles (the muscles opposing the indicator muscle). They form part of a reflex circuit which can cause inaccuracies in Muscle Response Testing if not properly balanced. In Counselling Kinesiology™ , we check the extension tests at the beginning of a session but only use the normal indicator muscle test throughout sessions.

4.1 The Extension Test – This is moving a limb until the indicator muscle is at its most extended position e.g. arm behind the body when using anterior deltoid as the indicator muscle, and the triceps test position when using biceps brachii/brachioradialis as the indicator muscle. The test is then in the opposite direction to the indicator muscle test so that you are now testing its antagonists i.e. latissimus dorsi and middle trapezius muscles when using anterior deltoid in extension, and triceps when using biceps brachii/brachioradialis in extension. The antagonists should be strong (lock) on testing “in the clear” (“in the clear” = with no points held and with no spindle cell manipulation).

4.2 Correcting Weak Responding Antagonist Muscles in the Extension Test – These corrections will be either for the antagonist muscles themselves, or for the indicator muscle if there is a problem with the reflex circuit. In both cases you typically use the corrections listed in 1.2. Which one is appropriate is determined by the challenging system described in 1.3.

4.3 Unlocking the Antagonist Muscles in the Extension Test using Spindle Cell Manipulation of the Indicator Muscle – The antagonist muscles are a reflex circuit to the indicator muscle. As the indicator muscle turns on, the antagonists turn off and vice versa. Since we are testing this reflex circuit, we turn off the antagonists by stretching the spindle cells of the indicator muscle described in 1.4. If the antagonists muscles do not turn off, we have a problem (called under-inhibition).

4.4 Correcting Jammed on (or insufficiently inhibited) Antagonist Muscles that will not Turn off with Spindle Cell Manipulation – Many techniques are taught to correct this with emotional de-stressing being a common one. The Proprioceptor Integration Technique from Applied Physiology is excellent for muscles that are jammed on through excessive heavy lifting and Chakra balancing (e.g. the CK Chakra Balancing technique, for balancing the brachial nerve plexus), is recommended for other emotional and energetic causes. Any effective technique for correcting jammed on (or insufficiently inhibited) antagonist muscles is acceptable.

  • Proprioceptor Integration Technique
  • Chakra Balancing of the related chakra
  • Effective techniques that you use for correcting muscles that will not turn off

5. Additional Pre-Test (Pre-Check) Test and Correction

5.1 Ionisation – Testing Ionisation from the single nostril breathing tests consists of breathing in one nostril then testing, out the other nostril then testing, in this second nostril then testing, and finally out the first nostril then testing. If the indicator muscle tests weak (unlocks) on any of these tests, ionisation needs to be corrected with further single nostril breathing (as in the test) or “huff ” breathing – quick breathing in and out through both nostrils. If ionisation is not corrected, Circuit Locating can be unreliable, as ionisation problems affect the polarity of the fingers.

6. Circuit Store (also known as “Pause Lock”, “Circuit Retaining Mode” or “Putting Something in Circuit”)

6.1 Using Circuit Store – Circuit Store is a technique for retaining information to be worked on exclusively e.g. a specific emotional issue. Please note that not all kinesiology modalities recognise Circuit Store as an effective or valid technique, so its use is not mandatory. We use it throughout the workshops, love it, and highly recommend you master it however!. It consists of opening your jaw, or putting your feet apart when identifying a specific stress (e.g. thinking of a specific stressful event or memory). This stress is “stored” continuously (without conscious awareness) and can be worked on exclusively, provided the jaw remains open or the legs remain apart. There are several ways of placing things in Circuit Store.

Placing an Imbalance in Leg Circuit Store – this is done by identifying a stress that causes an indicator muscle change e.g. thinking about a stressful issue, then placing feet together followed by separating them apart, and keeping them apart. The indicator muscle will now continue to test weak indicating that the imbalance has been stored in the Leg Circuit Store mechanism.

Placing an Imbalance in Jaw Circuit Store – this is done by identifying a stress that causes an indicator muscle change e.g. thinking about a stressful issue, then opening the jaw and keeping it open (the lips may remained closed however). The indicator muscle will now continue to test weak indicating that the imbalance has been stored in the Jaw Circuit Store mechanism.

6.2 Testing the Leg and/or Jaw Circuit Store Mechanism
If the Circuit Store Mechanism is not functioning properly, we may lose our ability to work on the specific issue and hence be far less focused and effective.

Testing the Circuit Store Leg and Jaw Mechanisms for Imbalances – for Leg Circuit Store, this comprises moving a leg out to the side, then testing, then moving it in and retesting. This is repeated for the other leg and for moving both legs apart, then testing, and both legs together, then testing. For the Jaw, it is opening the jaw, then testing, followed by closing the jaw, then retesting. If there are any indicator muscle changes on any of these tests, the fault needs to be corrected. For the Leg Circuit Store mechanism, a quick fix is to rub the Posterior Superior Iliac Spines (i.e. the PSIS or L5 knobs), and for the Jaw Circuit Store mechanism, rubbing either side of the base of the skull).

6.3 Testing the Leg Circuit Store and Jaw Circuit Store Mechanisms for the Ability to Retain and Transfer Information – this consists of identifying a stress, such as thinking of something negative or pinching off a muscle, and storing it in Jaw Circuit Store. It is then transferred to Leg Circuit Store (transferring to Leg Circuit Store = opening Leg Circuit Store while Jaw Circuit Store is held open, then closing Jaw Circuit Store). The indicator muscle is now retested to see that the stress is now being held in leg Circuit Store (the indicator muscle should still be testing weak i.e. unlocking). The “Circuit” is then transferred back to the Jaw Circuit Store. The indicator muscle is again re-tested to see that the stress is still being held, now in the Jaw Circuit Store (the indicator muscle should still be testing weak i.e. unlocking). Finally the Jaw Circuit Store is closed (closing mouth) and the indicator muscle retested. It should now test “strong” (i.e. locking) since neither Circuit Store mechanism is holding the imbalance.

Some practitioners use the other person’s Leg Circuit Store in place of their own Jaw Circuit Store and transfer between their own Leg Circuit Store and the other person’s Leg Circuit Store. This is quite acceptable, although unreliable when used with wriggling children!

6.4 Alternative forms of Circuit Store
Some practitioners tap on the top of the head or flick up on the brow to put things into Circuit Store. While the mechanisms for these have not been satisfactorily explained, they are quite acceptable if they work for you (but they are not recommended or used by CK).

6.5 Stacking using Circuit Store – this is the ability to add related aspects of an imbalance together to give a more global picture of the specific stress (e.g. the problem emotions, the specific triggering situations and the stressful people involved). It is also used to peel back compensatory layers of imbalances to reveal the underlying cause – a bit like peeling off the layers of an onion (e.g. finding the childhood causes of present day emotional issues such as fears or unwanted emotional reactions). This allows the underlying cause to be dealt with directly rather than simply trying to patch up the resultant symptoms.

Stacking using the Jaw and Leg Circuit Store Mechanisms – this starts by placing an imbalance in Leg circuit Store. A related or underlying stress is then identified through another indicator muscle change. The Jaw Circuit Store is then opened which does two things – transfers the first stress held in Leg Circuit Store, and stores the new stress. These two stresses are effectively added together or “stacked”. The stacked circuit is then transferred down to Leg Circuit Store (first closing Leg Circuit Store to empty it by placing feet together, then opening it to take the Circuit from the Jaw, then closing the Jaw ready to capture and stack the next stress.

Stacking using your Leg Circuit Store Mechanism and the other person’s Leg Circuit Store Mechanism – this is the same as stacking using Jaw and Leg Circuit Store Mechanisms (see above) except that the imbalances are collected and stacked in your Leg circuit Store then transferred to the other person’s Leg Circuit Store.

Stacking using Alternative Forms of Circuit Store – adding things to Circuit Store, i.e. stacking is done by additional tapping on the top off the head or flicking. Again if this works for you it is acceptable (but it is not recommended or used by CK).

7. Additional Techniques using Indicator Muscle Testing

7.1 Working off a Locked or Unlocked Indicator Muscle using Circuit Store – The basis of Circuit Store is that you store all aspects of the imbalance including what the indicator muscle is indicating. This means that when stacking successive layers of imbalance, the indicator will go from locked to unlocked to locked etc., changing each time a new stress is identified and stacked. It is a real paradigm shift for lots of people brought up with muscle testing as “strong = good” and “weak = bad”. Now a change in indicator muscle is what is relevant.

Some practitioners work differently and get the indicator to go back to locking after each new stress is identified and stacked. This is acceptable too. However, sometimes the indicator muscle shows no stress when you and the person you are working with know there is a stress. The solution to get around this is to work off an unlocking (weak) indicator muscle and the stress will now lock it. This is done by changing the state of the indicator muscle. Some practitioners do this by stating that the muscle will now be unlocking, while we prefer to pinch off the muscle and stack the weak response into Circuit Store. Either way is acceptable.

7.2 Testing using Finger Modes – More, Priority, Chakra, Essences & Ego Defences modes. Finger modes are hand positions that either identify the nature of an imbalance (e.g. Chakra mode for a chakra imbalance), or tell us what to do next (e.g. Priority mode tells us that we should actually correct the chakra imbalance we have identified). Finger modes and verbal challenges are both acceptable alternatives.

7.3 Testing Verbal Challenges e.g. Permission , Willingness and other Statements – The statements are tested for relevance to the Circuit. For example, an indicator change on “100% willing to work together” would indicate that is was fine to continue. Verbal challenges can also be used as acceptable alternatives to finger modes.

7.4 Testing for Stressful Emotions using Emotional States Charts or Lists of Emotions – this consists of stating the emotion and testing to see if it is stressful. The “Law of Five Elements” emotions in Touch for Health are typically used for this although in Counselling KinesiologyTMwe will be using our Developmental Directory and Grief Gauge charts.

7.5 Testing Who / What Challenge Points.

When there is an indicator change on a particular challenge point, it tells us specific information, for example –
right collar bone point (i.e. right K27 acupuncture point) = a male is related to the emotional stress
left collar bone point = a female is related to the emotional stress

7.6 Testing for Flower Essences – this can be done by testing the actual bottles of essences placed on the person, or by testing off a list of essence descriptions.

7.7 Testing to find the Emotional Reference Age (also called the “Root Cause”, or “Age of Best Understanding” – perhaps erroneously) using Past Time Tracking (also called Age Recession).
The Emotional Reference is a memory (or mental construction) that is used as a basis for how to react when triggered. For example, a childhood separation of one’s parents may be used as a stressful Emotional Reference during arguments in an adult relationship. Past time tracking is the ability to identify this Emotional Reference Age. It is done by counting back in years until an indicator muscle change is observed. For example stating 30-20 years old, 20-10 years old, 10-birth (which causes an indicator change), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 (which causes another indicator change). So 5 years old is the Reference Age for this particular stress.

8. Emotional De-stressing (also called Emotional Stress Release [ESR] or Emotional Stress Defusion [ESD]

The following techniques (Holding Emotional Neurovasculars and Temporal Tapping) are used on their own or combined with other technique such as –

  • talking about the stress
  • eye rotations (clockwise then anti-clockwise movement of the eyes)
  • eye positions (holding a particular eye position)
  • repeating stressful statements
  • repeating desired affirmations

8.1 Holding Emotional Neurovasculars – holding the frontal eminences (bumps) on either side of the forehead until regular, even pulses are felt. This is especially used to reduce emotional stress.

8.2 Temporal Tapping – this is tapping around both ears on the skull suture lines. It is especially used for directing the subconscious to new options that may have been filtered out due to stress.


CK™ 1 Training has just started 
with the distance education workbooks.

BUT – a late start is fine!

You can get your CK™ 1 kinesiology prerequisites while already starting CK™ 1!

Classes limited to 15 places only.

Download an application form now! 


Counselling Kinesiology™ Training – 

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© 2023 Gordon Dickson, Counselling Kinesiology™