- How can I feel genuinely listened to and really understood?
- How can I find what is holding me back and causing unhelpful reactions?
- What can I do to make changes?
Counselling Kinesiology™ is a unique blend of mainstream and complementary techniques, including muscle testing, to help people move forwards and make changes that stick. Muscle testing (also known as kinesiology), is a unique biofeedback tool used to identify underlying emotional issues causing emotional stress. It is even possible to find and clear emotions contributing to many physical health problems.

The Three Tiered Approach to Support Real Change

Talk Therapy
Empathetic questioning to unravel the issues and provide a safe space for you to feel heard and understood.

Resolving Emotional Stress
Muscle testing to identify what is holding you back with gentle regression processes to enable you to resolve it.

Behaviour Change Exercises
Engaging exercises to target your specific circumstances and support you to make changes that stick.
The use of these charts support the CK™ practitioner and client to gain incredible insights to track down obstacles in development and overcome blocked grief, enabling the rapid changes.
© 2023 Gordon Dickson, Counselling Kinesiology™